Snatch em' up- 036

Snatch em' up- 036


Snatch Balance 3-3-3-3-3, using heaviest weight per set Power Snatch 2-2-2-2-2, using heaviest weight per set Hang Squat Snatch 1-1-1-1-1, using heaviest weight per set

DOUBLE UNDERS AND PUSH-UPS with buy in and out 

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Snatch @50% of your Power Snatch. 15 Reps, then...

For time: 35 Double Unders 25 Push-ups 35 Double Unders 20 Push-ups 35 Double Unders 15 Push-ups 35 Double Unders 12 Push-ups 35 Double Unders 9 Push-ups

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800 meter run

Coach G- This is a time for you to work on your snatch so take it seriously. The WOD should be good practice for DUs and I put push ups in there too burn your shoulders a bit. So let that rope do the work. Have fun with the 800meter run to- it's not a cool down.


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