Diane and Stuff- 029

Diane and Stuff - 029


T2B- 5reps x 4 sets (rest as needed in between sets)

Assisted Pistols- 8 each leg
(use pole or rubber band for balance. Place 5lb weight under heel for additional balance)

Strict T2B- 2x3

Unassisted Pistols- 6 each leg.

EMOM 6min, every 30 seconds- 12 Sets:
5 T2B
6 Pistols (assisted if needed)


21-15-9 reps, for time of: Deadlift, 225/155 lbs Handstand Push-up

21-15-9 reps, for time of: Deadlift, 185/125 lbs Dumbbell Push Press, 40/30 lbs

Coach Groenheim- Coaches in class should explain the WOD for ya! I don't know if y'all read these notes so I'm just going to stop until someone asks me to write them again! This will be a place for the most ridiculous quote I have heard all day.
"I just took the most fire nap" - Cam Zamot.


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