CFBG 0014
WOD 5 Feb 18
- Strict Press 1-1-1-1-1
- Push Press 1-1-1-1-1
- Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1
Don't skip it because there is no metcon. Today will be a challenge if you do it right, not to mention a perfect day to hit big PR's. See you there.
Hacking issues are grabbing the attention lately. Blockchain exchange has also been victim of hacking this year and massive loss was experienced by the exchange. If you suspect any kind of activity in your account and you’re looking for solutions to end this trouble, you can always call on Blockchain phone number which is functional and users can have conversation with the team for instant and accessible results that would help in fixing problems in no time. You can talk to the team anytime to deal with queries immediately. Issues in creating Binance account