CFBG 0008
WOD 26 Jan 18
1 Max Set Strict HSPU
Rest 2:30
1 Unbroken set at 75% of max
Rest 1:30
1 Unbroken set at 50% of max
Crossfit Linchpin Test 2
Crossfit Linchpin Test 2
3 Rounds for Time:
-5 Ring Muscle-ups
-10 Squat Cleans 135/95
-20 box jumps 24"/20"
** Scale the HSPU so you have a solid number of reps (~10) to work with (a max set of 5 strict is good, but not useful for this workout). Volume under fatigue, even at a partial range of motion, is what we are going for. Some ideas are to lower your head to an abmat on top of some plates, or use the box-pike method.**
** Scale the HSPU so you have a solid number of reps (~10) to work with (a max set of 5 strict is good, but not useful for this workout). Volume under fatigue, even at a partial range of motion, is what we are going for. Some ideas are to lower your head to an abmat on top of some plates, or use the box-pike method.**
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